KAMSACK - A testament to the leadership, the program itself and those who dedicate their time to its operation, the longevity of the Kamsack branch of their Wildlife Federation, which began in 1946, continues to be part of the community.
Organization volunteer executive members include: Riley Barrowman (President). Tyson Leis (Vice President), Chris Bowes (Treasurer), Jenna Nahnybida (Secretary), Walter Lesiuk (fisheries, been with the wildlife since it started), Jack Erhardt, Jim Beauchamp, and Clint Chernoff who are all active members.
“Our club sponsors the NASP (National Archery in Schools Program) in the school and also FinS program (fish in schools). We donate fish eggs to the school and they raise them and release them at a local trout pound," affirms the Kamsack Wildlife Federation
"Our club also donates to the Hannan Creek Education Centre, which are outdoors classes put on by wildlife federation,” says Barrowman. The Hannin Creek Education Centre, a partnership between the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation and Saskatchewan Polytechnic, is located in the beautiful Boreal Forest in remote Northern Saskatchewan on the shores of Candle Lake.
The Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation defines the FinS program as an opportunity for students to look at fish and aquatic habitats firsthand, in their own classroom. The FinS Program not only provides students with practical experience in fish conservation but also encourages them to become stewards of their local environment. By understanding the habitat requirements of Saskatchewan fish and their impact on aquatic ecosystems, students are equipped with valuable knowledge to make informed decisions about environmental conservation.
Yearly memberships and money generated from their annual banquet help fund the club and their initiatives during their year.
“The Kamsack Wild Life organization is currently trying to get the town reservoir back and on a long-term lease so we can get fish in there. We have big plans. One is classrooms on ice, it gets classes from schools to come in winter and learn. One station is fish biology, second station is habitat and the third involves water testing, and fourth station is fishing.
It’s a great program put on in other locations, this could get schools from all around to come participate,” affirms the Wildlife organization’s committee.
The annual awards banquet is the club’s main fundraiser and takes place on April 12. The event includes door prizes, kid’s prizes, silent auction and a live auction.
The Club President says they are planning a kids’ fishing derby for July.
The community’s wildlife organization tries to meet monthly and interested members can contact a current wildlife executive member for times and locations.
Barrowman says their organization supports different locations for events as their annual measuring night is held in Veregin at the Archery Club while their banquet is held at the Ukrainian Catholic Hall.
The Kamsack Wildlife Federation says highlights from last year included another successful banquet and fundraiser, a well-attended horn measuring night as well as being able to provide funding for the FinS and NASP programs at the schools.
As are the struggles with many community clubs and organizations across the province, challenges include lack of members to help with events.
Barrowman adds, “There are lots more opportunities to be had, and events, but with few members it is hard to accomplish.”
“Our organization is all about kids and wildlife. Majority of our money goes to kids, whether it be sending them to the Hannan Creek Camp, holding a fish derby with tons of prizes for all the kids, NASP, FinS program, and also lots of kids prizes at the banquet. “
The Kamsack Wildlife Federation is part of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, which is a non-profit, non-government, charitable organization of over 32,000 members in 121 branches across Saskatchewan representing every walk of life.
Kamsack’s branch follows the provincial vision, “To ensure the wildlife legacy we leave to our children surpasses that which we inherited.”
Kamsack also follows SWF objectives of supporting and promoting outdoor education in Saskatchewan.
You can follow this organization on their Facebook page for all the latest news and updates.