CO-OP Officials present in Dubuc for Dividend Day April 27 and serving a tasty Bar-b-que Luncheon were Secretary Gayle Docking; General Manager Bruce Thurston; and Agro-Division Manager Rick Lee. It gave the community a great opportunity to gather to socialize while enjoying the noon meal plus refreshments and don-nuts. All greatly appreciated.Betty Willlway, zone Cancer Campaign Captain reports a total of $1030 was raised in the Dubuc and Area Cancer Campaign. With the co-operation of the very important volunteers; Audrey Nielse, Dianne Horachek and Joyce Stokes.
They were appreciative to all the donors for their contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society.Peter and Audrey Nielsen and Vivian Talbot motored to Yorkton May 4 to attend a concert of The Children's Choir from Uganda, Africa. The choir were all orphan's and very well received by everyone who attended.Gary Forsberg of Yorkton and Sandra Forsberg of Saskatoon spent Mother's Day back home with mom Mary Forsberg.
The South Bunch Ladies motored to Yorkton last week to help Elaine Kovacs celebrate her special 75th birthday. They all spent a great afternoon reminscing and enjoying a birthday lunch and nice birthday cake. All were former neighbours of the Spruce Dale district north of Dubuc. In attendance were Leona Kaczur, Lorraine Toth, Audrey Nielsen, Jean Kulcsar and Lucy Issel.
Dubuc congregation attended Rural Life and Mother's Day worship for Little Cutarm held in Atwater May 9. Rev Susan Griffith and Shelly Morris were worship leaders and Lindsay Griffith was organist. Special music was provided by Peter Franck accompanying with guitar. Rev. Susan's Meditation was entitled "Automatic Earth- The Parable of the Seed". There was no Sunday School but following the Children's story each child was given an activity basket to use during the rest of the service. The next service will be held May 23 at Atwater for Pentecost Sunday (Wear red). June 6 a communion service at Atwater. June 13- Atwater church service- Kristiania Lutheran 100th anniversary with worship leader Catherine Litzenberger. June 20 service at Stockholm with weiner roast/fellowship to follow. June 27 - Darby Readman from Whitewood who is a cousin to the siblings of the late Harold and Anna Sunberg of Stockholm. Darby's mother Agnes is a sister to the late Harold Sundberg. And Darby's cousins were Ingrid(Sundberg) Smulan-Ageson and the late Alice (Sundberg) Persson of Stockholm. Darby lives in a trailer on the old John Soloshy farm near Gremeau's Resort on Round Lake.
Darcy had found some very old items in the walls of the old house.Apparently they were used to cover draft holes in the building before the walls were plastered. A letter was found written Jan 20th 1929 by Lillian Soloshy to her cousin Mildred (Wickberg) Closson. Both cousings now deceased. The contents indicated they were in their teens. They wrote about getting a new dress this winter and the other could not get a new dress till summer. It closed saying "So I better ring off now. So Bye bye Dearie-Your Loving Cousin." Darby also found two very old calenders in the walls. A calender dated August of 1922, compliments of Stockholm Hotel. Prop D. Downes, Confectionary and Groceries, Tobaccos and cigars. Stockholm, Sk. The picture on it is a beautiful young lady alone in a boat on the lake in the moonlight. The second calendar was much older but no indication of any year.
It is made out of tin with two holes near the bottom to replace the monthly calendar pads. You Would need to write for renewal calendar pads to Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. Ltd. Montreal, PQ. The calendar states Rubber System and Associated Companies. The best of everything in Rubber tires, footwear, raincoats, belting, packaging hose, and Druggist' Sundries. At the bottom of the tin calendar it states the largest manufacturing of rubber goods in the British Empire. If anyomne out there has any information about this Calendar Judy Talbot would appreciate hearing from them.
The Housing authority committee held a meeting May 11 at the home of Secretary Audrey Nielsen. They still have a vacant two bedroom suite at the Prairie Manor. Audrey served lunch and refreshments following the meeting.
The DRA sponsored a highway litter clean up May 8 with many volunteers turning out to help with the clean up from Dubuc to the Stockholm highway junction. Children and adults enjoyed the exercise and a fine barb-b-que, refreshments and do-nuts donated by the Yorkton Co-op Assoc. The DRA were most appreciative for all the volunteers who helped, and prepared the food and to the Yorkton Co-op for their generous contribution. Dawn Anderson, Hudson and Kareena from Regina made a special trip home to help the DRA.John Talbot returned home May 12 after spending a lengthy stay, Respite the Esterhazy Care Home. Judy was most appreciative to the staff at the home for their tender care for John while she was resting at home. John and Judy will be moving to New Sumner Apartments on June 1.
Despite the weather, John and Joan Wilson enjoyed a trip to South Western Saskatchewan to visit their daughters. First stop was to Shaunavon to see Constable Maureen Wilson and Barb. While there they were able to take in a homecoming evening for Olympic medalist, Hayley Wickenheiser captain of the women's Olympic Champion Hockey team. With Cst. Wilson doing the Red Serge duty in gave them a chance to visit with Hayley Wickenheiser and to see and hold her three Gold medals. They enjoyed travelling around the detachment and a trip through the Cypress Hills. Neither had been to this part of the province before, it was nice. They travelled back to Mazenod, where they spent a couple days with Brenda and Gord. There they toured the Cathedral in Gravelbourg. It is an absolutely amazing building with no words to describe the awesome interior, which was painted by a Catholic priest Father Mallard, instrumental in having the cathedral built. Upon returning home Joan travelled to Balcarres on May 7 to attend the Mother's Day Tea at the Care Home and spend some time with her mother Cis Earl and sister Pat Todd.
As this will be my last news report I wish to thank the three newspapers for being so kind and for their good relationships making me always feel special working for them. I will miss you as I so enjoyed working with people. I will be able to spend more time caring for John at our new home. And thanks to the good folks at Dubuc who supported me efforts by contacting me with news. Please help the new correspondent to keep Dubuc on the map as we will miss you all and hope to return for visits if we're able to go for drives.