Gerald & Darlene Burman spent Christmas with their daughter Penny & Charlie LaRoque in Brandon and went to Regina to attend their great granddaughter’s baptism.
Sympathy to the Brears family. Funeral services for Lew Brears were held Dec. 29 at the Bredenbury Church.
Thanks to the Arena Board who sponsored the New Year’s Eve dinner & social. A delicious roast beef supper was enjoyed by all.
Funeral services for the late Verne Spiedel of Winnipeg was held Friday at Christie’s Funeral Home Sympathy to his family. Verne was Lorraine Campbell’s brother.
United Church service will be in Bredenbury this Sunday at 9:30. Rev. John Oussoran will be guest speaker.
Charlotte Badowich from Kelowna, B.C. spent the Christmas holidays visiting her sister-in-law Irene Badowich and other family members.