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My Christmas presents...

To the Yorkton Terriers:500 more fans per game.I find it ridiculous to see average crowds of about 850 for a first place Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League team playing in a market of close to 20,000.I wonder what the excuse is for people.

To the Yorkton Terriers:500 more fans per game.I find it ridiculous to see average crowds of about 850 for a first place Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League team playing in a market of close to 20,000.I wonder what the excuse is for people.I know I've been here long enough to see four coaches (Blaine Gusdal, Don Chesney, Ed Zawatsky, and Trent Cassan).In the case of each of the first three, fans would tell me they weren't going to go to a game unless the coach was replaced, which I should add isn't necessarily a fair thing to do.I'm convinced some of those left when Gusdal was coaching and have never come back.Honestly, this team plays an exciting style and scores plenty of goals, two things that fans complained about when Zawatsky coached.If the Terriers make the Sherwood Conference final, the attendance will jump to about 1500 and then if they play for the championship, they'll get 2000 or more to each home game.I have news for those extra 1200 that only show up when it's 'cool' to do so:if you don't come to some of the other games, there may not be a team at all in a few years.

While I'm on a roll, I should say, publicly, for the first time that I actually agree with something Calvin Daniels has said.We are not really hockey fans the way we say we are.Go to any small town in the United States on a day where the local high school team has a football game.The entire community, basically, just shuts down.I guess you could say football teams play less games and, therefore, it is more of an event than hockey.If that's your argument, then I would gladly say the SJHL should entertain chopping about 5 or 6 home games off the current schedule and play no more than one home game a week.

To fans of the Saskatchewan Roughriders:a new head coach named Scott Milanovich.He's been highly sought by a number of CFL clubs, and he's turned down every one for reasons ranging from not being able to name his own assistants to not being offered enough money.The Riders should have no problem giving Milanovich, pretty much, whatever he wants.

To Mark Butchko, owner of the Yorkton Dairy Queen:a real quick winter and an early thaw so they can start building that new store.We miss your business and you'll be so busy when you return.To residents of Yorkton:a real hot, dry summer so we don't have to deal with the rain that we had this year.Let's hope we never ever see a flood like we did this past July 1st.

To Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall:a congratulations on being named CTV Powerplay Top Politician Of The Year.I also hope Mr. Wall doesn't change a thing going forward.Sometimes politicians let these types of awards go to their head.Furthermore, people who label me a SaskParty guy or a Conservative need to recognize that while I, generally, agree with what both provincial and federal governments are doing, that doesn't mean that I just automatically support every decision they make.They are not always right.Unfortunately, that gets lost in Canadian politics.Get any MLA or MP alone in a room and turn off the recorder and ask them some very pointed questions on certain issues and I think you'd be surprised to learn they don't always agree with the company line.Too bad they aren't allowed to publicly say so.

To Luke Boechler:a return to full health and we would absolutely love to see you in a Terrier uniform before the end of the season.Lofty goals, but shoot high!

To the Boston Red Sox:a 2011 World Series.If they don't win after all the acquisitions they've made this month, one could make the case that The Curse has returned.

To the New York Yankees:a 70 win season.Wishful thinking.

To the Gallagher Centre:a big 'Thank You' for having WiFi installed last week.Don Kunkel pointed out to me that this WiFi process was already ongoing when I 'roasted' them for not having it a couple of weeks ago.It worked like a charm for me inside the Farrell Agencies Arena as I kept the online scoring up to date for the Saskatchewan Midget AAA Hockey League's Yorkton Harvest over the weekend.So, if you are a parent and spend countless hours with your child and his/her extra curricular activities at the Gallagher Centre, you now have a way to catch up on some extra work or, simply, entertain yourself to help better pass the time.I'll address parking offenders at the Gallagher at a later date, but please don't use the handicapped spots unless you, yourself, are someone who, rightfully, should be in the spot.

To you:a very Merry Christmas, and may 2011 bring you nothing but happiness.That's not something I'm throwing out lightly either.Hearing of tragedies that occur in our area take a greater toll on me with each passing day and I wouldn't wish poor health or something equivalent on my worst enemy.

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