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Equinox Theatre brings humor to the stage

Curtain to open on comedy.

OUTLOOK - Equinox Theatre, Outlook’s busy theatre ensemble, is preparing to bring to the stage a play by Dan D'Amario called “Real Close to Broadway!” The two-act comedy takes a look at a fictitious community theatre group and their struggles to keep the theatre going.

The script features memorable characters including two eccentric sisters who audiences are sure to enjoy; Millie and Lillie Carlson.

Heather Peardon plays Millie who she describes as “a flamboyant, flirty elderly lady.” It’s a character she is having fun with. “It’s just so much fun to be someone you’re not,” she said with a laugh.

Heather joined Equinox Theatre after moving to Outlook. “As a new person in town I thought it was a great way to get to know new people.” After being cast in last November’s “Five Alarm” she was eager to be part of another production, one she is eager for audiences to see. “It’s such a fun comedy and I think people will enjoy seeing the members of the cast play a character so outside their normal self.”

Sheri Lovrod plays the other half of the sister duo, Lillie, who she describes as “flamboyant and flirtatious, and nothing like who I am in real life!”

 Sheri has been involved with the theatre group for many years onstage, backstage, at the piano and serving on the group’s executive. Past credits include “The Little Mermaid” and “All the King’s Women” and she says rehearsals for this show have been reflective of how Equinox works on the whole. “It’s a real collaborative group and we have had so much fun.” She says “Real Close to Broadway” is a humorous story audiences will delight in. “The characters are so distinct and interesting. It’s a funny show.”

Amber Turton returns to the stage after taking a turn at directing “Five Alarm” last fall. She plays Bitsy, the super organized and over-enthusiastic festival chairperson who is determined to keep the theatre alive and going despite all the obstacles in the way. Being on stage again has been great for Amber. “As much as I enjoyed directing the last show I was a little envious of everyone who was up there so I am enjoying being on stage again.”

Amber loved being in musicals “The Little Mermaid” and “Anne of Green Gables” because her children were involved as well, while one of her favorite roles was in the 2019 production “Mom’s Gift.” It requires a tremendous commitment, but one she is ready to give. “I enjoy the people involved with Equinox so much and I think the community really loves it. We always get such a good reaction. The arts are important to have in a community.”

Rounding out the cast of “Real Close to Broadway” are Jordan Davies, Chasten Sim, Floyd Childerhose, Morgan Dingle and Phil Guebert.

“Real Close to Broadway!” runs May 26-28. Tickets are on sale at Outlook Printers.

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