Frankly, I don't have a lot of memories about being in Leggett's Store in Kipling when I was young. But, the memories that I do have are very vivid. That is due to the fact that when I was a kid, I thought that Leggett's Store was one of the neatest places on earth.
Sure, I'd seen larger stores and even malls in the city. But, places like that seemed so big and overwhelming for this little farm girl. A visit to a “big city store” was exciting. But, I never really felt like a big store in the city was someplace where I was welcome.
Leggett's was different. Even though I didn't know Marilyn's name at the time – I knew her smile. I knew that she was a really nice lady that always took the time to talk to me; even when she was really busy. And her husband Len was somebody that I instinctively trusted. When I had a question, he'd always be willing to give me an answer. And the answers he gave me were the same kinds of answers he'd give to my mom. It didn't seem to matter to him that I was a kid. I was just as important a customer as the adults that were in the store shopping.
And the stuff that I found in that store! You could find ANYTHING in Leggett's!! I never had as much money as I wanted to spend when I visited Leggett's. But, I was delighted with all of the things that I was able to buy there.
Interestingly enough, I do remember one specific occasion, when Len actually advised me not to buy something. I don't actually remember what the “something” was. But, I do remember hearing Len gently explain that this “something” was not what I thought it was. Even though it cost him a sale, Len was much more interested in teaching me how to spend my money wisely.
When I came home in 2015, I was relieved to see that Leggett's Store was still there. Naturally, when you've been away for a long time, the things that have stayed the same stand out much more clearly than all of the things that have changed. But, my joy in finding Leggett's Store still open, and still so much the same as the place that I remembered; was based on something more than just the delight that comes with recognition.
Over the years that I spent away, I'd come to question so much of what I'd known as a child. Sometimes, I'd found myself thinking that the things I'd known back then might not have been true – or real.
Walking into Leggett's Store again, finding it constant even after all of the years that I'd been away, reassured me that some things remain true no matter how change might be happening all around them.
Leggett's 100th Anniversary will bring about some profound changes for Kipling. The changes won't be unwelcome. Len and Marilyn have more than earned the right to enjoy spending their time the way they want to. And, the new ideas and visions for the future that the new owners will certainly bring with them, are a real cause for excitement and optimism.
But before that change happens, it might be a nice thing for those of us who have enjoyed having Leggett's Store in this community; took the time to celebrate this milestone with Len and Marilyn.
They deserve every “Thank-you” that they will most certainly receive in the days to come.
Because some of the things that people in this community were able to find in Leggett's Store – are the kinds of treasured memories that will last a lifetime.
Best wishes to you both.