The Estevan Kinsmen Club’s outdoor rink project got another boost of funding after organizer’s of Savour the Southeast presented a cheque of $43,000 from the proceeds of this year’s event.
Josh LeBlanc, co-chair of Savour the Southeast, said charity is the purpose of the new food and drink fest, which in May saw its second successful run, and he and his fellow organizers were eager to make the donation.
“This is why we do Savour every year; the whole point of it is so we can give money back to the community from the profits of the event,” he said.
“We were very excited to be able to give this large contribution to something we think is a great capital project that’ll leave a long lasting legacy to the residents of Estevan.”
Though attendance was down a bit this year he said the year's was still much better than the inaugural event because the new floor plan offered more mobility for attendees, as well as the fact that vendor numbers were up, offering more products for the hungry and thirsty crowd.
He added next year Savour the Southeast will be lining up even more food vendors to meet public demand and organizers are already working on a strategy to make it happen.
 “As always, thank you to the sponsors, to the community for coming out and doing everything they did. Thank you to the Kinsmen for all their help and volunteer hours. It’s a very large event for us to put on and it takes about 120 volunteers to make it happen,” said LeBlanc.
“So thank you to the community and thank you to the Kinsmen for being able to come out and help with that as well.”