The Kipling Arena will be opening later this month, with Minor Hockey and Senior Hockey seasons beginning in the near future. Kipling Minor Hockey will be running their annual pre-season Hockey School on October 27 and 28. Kevin Marton will be instructing a Hockey Officials Clinic at the Kipling Arena on Sunday, October 29. For complete details on the Officials Clinic and to register, please call Kevin at (306) 736-2604 (home). Officiating hockey games is a great way to stay involved in the game beyond playing, as well as a great opportunity for enhancing your fitness level.
   All rink users are reminded that the Rink Kitchen will continue to operate as it has in recent seasons, with each family using the facility obligated to work a minimum of five shifts per season. If there are special times/events that a family wishes to be scheduled for, we ask that you contact the Rec Office (306) 736-8440 prior to October 23 to reserve those shifts. The Kitchen Committee will be meeting the week of October 23 to make up this seasonÃs schedule. Operating the Arena Kitchen in this manner is integral to the operations of the Kipling Arena. Over the 2016/17 season, a profit of $32,000 was realized. This profit offsets the seasonal operations of the facility, keeping our user fees at a reasonable level. Thank you to all who assist our facility in this manner.
   The Dale Blackstock Memorial Rec Hockey Tournament is scheduled for November 10 & 11, 2017 at the Kipling Arena. To register a team, please call the Rec Office at (306) 736-8440 or Rob Barath at (306) 736-7255. The Dale Blackstock Memorial Rec Hockey Tournament continues to be a major fundraiser for the Kipling Arena.
   Kipling School will be hosting the Saskatchewan High School Athletic AssociationÃs 3A Boys Provincial Volleyball Championships on November 24 & 25. The top ten teams from across Saskatchewan in the 3A category will be competing for the provincial championship, providing an excellent opportunity for athletes to cultivate friendships and showcase volleyball skills. Be sure to stop in during the weekend and take in the high-paced action.
   Kipling & District Arts CouncilÃs season will begin on November 28 with the Derina Harvey Band, an Edmonton based Celtic Rock ensemble who entertains with a show that is engaging, energetic and fun! Season tickets, as well as tickets for just the November 28 show, can be purchased from Balfour Drugs or by calling Mona Lynn Stender at (306) 736-2263.
   Kipling will soon be home to a new fitness centre ñ Bullet Proof Fitness, situated in the former Kipling Industries building on Highway 48. The fitness centre will be accessible through monthly memberships, with a target opening date in late October 2017. For complete information on Bullet Proof Fitness, contact Matt at (306) 434-9800.
   Older Adult Fitness Classes have resumed for the fall on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Kipling Friendship Centre. Classes are 50 minutes in length and open to all interested participants. Classes feature light cardio activity, strength training and balance and flexibility exercises ñ all set to great music! There is no charge to attend ñ everyone welcome!
   Kipling & District Parks and Recreation wants to hear from you! If there is an activity that you would like to participate in that is not currently offered in the community, let us know by calling the Rec Office at (306) 736-8440. We can also be contacted by email: [email protected], or visit our Facebook page, Kipling Parks & Rec and leave us a message.Â