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Remembrance Day service pays tribute to the fallen

Community minded residents from the Preeceville and Sturgis areas joined together to remember those who had given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

Community minded residents from the Preeceville and Sturgis areas joined together to remember those who had given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. The Royal Canadian Legion branch in Preeceville hosted the annual Remembrance Day service on November 11.

            The GSSD band, under the direction of band instructor Nathan Seghers, accompanied the audience in singing traditional hymns and O Canada during the service.

            The Preeceville Harvard Air Cadets under the command of WO2 Corianne Metherell brought in the colour party that displayed flags from Canada, the Legion, Saskatchewan and cadets. Cadets Cole Bilanchuk, Tessa Rehaluk, Alex Christopherson and Taylor Belesky led in the colour party followed by the rest of cadets and Legion members.

            Jim Ward was the master of ceremonies for the service. Ward welcomed everyone, especially veterans and cadets to the special annual service.

"On behalf of the Preeceville Legion I would like to welcome all of the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters and all of the children," said Ward. "Our Remembrance Day service happens but once a year on November 11, however many of us remember this each day of our lives. We are here to remember our fallen comrades that gave their lives in all the wars of the world. Also, to the many comrades who have passed away since. Many of these people gave up their lives in the First and Secord World Wars to give us the freedom that we have today. Since then Canadians have fought other wars and many have given the supreme sacrifice of dying for our country so that we may have and enjoy the freedom we have today. They too should be remembered. The number of Legion members is declining each year. With that, lest we forget."

            He concluded by reciting, "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.â€

            Lynnel Person gave the call to worship followed by the hymn Breathe on Me, Breath of God.

            Jim Ward read the names of veterans killed in both world wars, followed by Jerry Lisitza playing The Last Post and Reveille.

            Sharon Buchinski gave the scripture reading: Isaiah 55:6-13.

            Pastor Brad Steppan gave the sermon.

"Today is about not forgetting and taking a minute out of our busy lives to thank those who gave the ultimate sacrifice," said Steppan. He also spoke briefly on his own personal life and his grandfather’s and father's experiences in the wars and what they sacrificed.

            Rev. Miles Russell recited the prayer and the Lord's Prayer followed by the hymn Abide with Me and the benediction.

            The placing of the wreaths by cadets and individuals followed. Dave Knihniski placed a wreath on behalf of the federal and provincial governments. Mary Sills laid a wreath for motherhood. Dan Rogowski placed a wreath of behalf of fatherhood and Second World War veterans. Larry Larrivee laid a wreath on behalf of the Legion and Korean War veterans. Leon Sills laid a wreath on behalf of Second World War veterans. CO Troy Rogowski laid a wreath for the cadets. Garth Harris laid a wreath of behalf of the Town of Preeceville and himself. Ron Neitling represented the Knights of Columbus. Shannon Nelson laid a wreath on behalf of Pauls Drugs. Arlene Lingl placed a wreath for St. Patrick's CWL. Robert Neitling placed a wreath for the Lions Club. Maureen Johnson, Jainylle and Myrandah Gagnon placed the Lioness wreath and the James Streeton wreath. Art Crozier placed a wreath on behalf of Norman Wall and Preeceville Personal Care Home. Leah Crozier placed a wreath in memory of Cliff Crozier. Laura Crozier placed a wreath in memory of John Crozier. Other wreaths laid by various cadets were on behalf of: RM of Preeceville, Credit Union, TD Bank, Peet Law Firm, Preeceville Agencies, Gateway Co-op, Maple Farm Equipment, Wilf Ward, Preeceville School, Long Term Care Home, Shop Easy, vet clinic, Living Faith and Word Church, and Pat Williams.

The closing remarks were followed by the retiring of the colour party. Wreaths were also placed at the cenotaph located outside the Legion Hall and by the town office. Lunch served by the cadet parents concluded the service.

            The Legion presented the cadets with a donation from the poppy sales. The money will be utilized by the cadets for various projects. Larry Larrivee and Dan Rogowski made the presentation.

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