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'Genius is taking the complex and making it simple.' Albert Einstein

Neighbourly Advice According to Ed: How many overestimate what they know?
Potter's Wheel
God’s word must be added to our lives repeatedly so that God can mold us into the image of God in Jesus Christ.
Ed, my old neighbour in Saskatchewan, recently read through a warranty agreement on a piece of his farm equipment. He told me he had to go back to the dealership to get it explained. They had one person on staff who could make sense of the complex terms and conditions. People at the dealership call him Einstein.

We both agreed anyone who can take a subject most people find complex and make it understandable to almost everyone, is gifted and a real asset to have around. Ed also said, “It isn’t every day that you find someone who knows what they are talking about.”

I agreed with Ed, but how many overestimate what they know? Do we Christians admit to not knowing as much as we thought we did? Mathew Henry wrote, “There is no proof of ignorance that is more common than proud knowledge. Those who understand their own ignorance are ones who know best.”

More and more people believe we know or have knowledge through our intellect alone. There is no superior intelligence beyond our own. Many do not see God as the source of all knowledge. Without God, our knowledge is limited. “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

What we know may make us feel important, puffed up and superior to others, but what the world needs is love because love reflects God’s heart and being. Knowledge and learning keep changing and may be helpful or harmful. The world has many authorities, experts, and individuals who ignore God. The Bible says it this way, “We know that we all possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know.” 1 Cor. 8:1-2)

As Christians, we believe what we know is never enough without God's love and wisdom to complete our knowledge. There is always more to learn about loving God, our neighbour, and ourselves as Jesus loved us. We are clay in the hands of God, our potter. Isaiah 64:10 says it this way, “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay; you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

A potter starts with a ball of clay in the middle of his wheel. Then, he goes about molding and shaping the clay by adding water a little at a time. Water keeps the clay workable so it can be formed into what the potter desires. Without water added to the clay, it will crack or crumble. God’s word must be added to our lives repeatedly so that God can mold us into the image of God in Jesus Christ.

Christians admit life happens to clay pots. They get chipped, cracked, broken and shattered. But, that does not mean God cannot fix us when we have ignored, neglected or disobeyed God’s words for us. God knows we are clay and takes us in His hands and rolls us, shapes and covers our brokenness in sin and shame with the blood of His Son to the glory of Himself and us.


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