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Kerrobert football will light up this season

Permanent lighting will enable all three programs using the field to be able to play on the same day

KERROBERT — The Kerrobert Football Association has begun raising money to put permanent lights at the community's football field.

In efforts to continue to build the Kerrobert football programs in both minor football division and high school football, an enterprising group of volunteers started the Kerrobert Football Association Oct. 6, 2021.

Under the leadership of president Don Snell, vice-president Devin Charteris, secretary Jason Moro, treasurer Kerri Blanchette and communications co-ordinator Marli Shepherd, along with the help of Mike Cholin and Ben Cairns, the group has been actively fundraising for permanent lights at the community’s football field.

“We really started to get the word out when this group was formed last fall and when the KCS senior Rebels held their night lights game,” Shepherd says.

As of right now, the group doesn’t have much of the physical work done, but say all the groundwork is complete. Now they wait for funding to come in to help pay for the project.

A survey was done to ensure sufficient lighting for the field is secured. The organization got approval from the school division, sourced and priced all the materials needed to complete the project and have secured enough funding to get the power needed to the field.

The target goal for fundraising was between $100,000 to $110,000 for completion and the group currently has $25,000 in place. The committee remains hopeful the project can be completed before football season stars in the fall of 2022.

 “The lights will be beneficial for all of the football programs to be able to open up more time for games to be played," Shepherd adds. "With running three programs on the same field, it enables all the groups to be able to play on the same day. With football being such a short season and the days getting shorter in the fall, sometimes that is necessary. It also provides opportunities for the school to offer outdoor activities throughout the year."

The community has been supportive with a number of donations received. Shepherd said those wanting to contribute can make a donation by cash, cheque or etransfer, either by contacting one of the board members or emailing [email protected].

The project has been split into different phases. Shepherd said they initially started by reaching out to different companies, electricians and other professionals to ensure the project is being completed properly.

They followed up with a light study to ensure sufficient lighting was part of the plan. As well, the group discussed different lighting options, pole lengths, stabilizing the poles and trying to find the best solution that would result in minimal groundwork. They also wanted to ensure the project was cost-effective and done to ensure the safety of all spectators.

The next phase will be getting power to the field, and Shepherd says they have procured the funds to pay for SaskPower to come in and complete that.

“Our next phases will be dependent on money that comes in. We will be installing eight poles with four lights on each pole. We will require 32 lights. Sask Power has to supply power with us. They helped us come up with the best way to get power to the field. They will be supplying the field with power in May of this year,” adds Shepherd

The committee welcomes three Kerrobert Rebels alumni to the board, as Snell, Charteris and Cholin played football in Kerrobert. All other board members have children that play in one or more of the Kerrobert football programs. Rebels coach, Troy Snider, was involved early in the discussion part of the project and has committed to continued communication with the group.

“The committee is so much more than the lights project. Our vision is to ensure every kid in Kerrobert, and area has the opportunity to play football, support and sustain the Kerrobert football programs in training, safety equipment and funding other necessities, capital and maintenance projects for the Kerrobert football facilities. We aren't scared to get our hands dirty and help with whatever needs to be done at the football field. “

Kerrobert Recreation Director Bobbi Hebron adds, “The recreation department is very excited about another community project that will benefit so many youth and provide another opportunity for socialization and connection. Football is an important part of the culture of many small towns. It brings people together, cheering towards a common goal, it keeps our children active and, for many of us, it brings great memories of when we were involved in high school sports.

“Kerrobert is no exception as football is an important part of our identity. We saw this in the return of sports in 2021 with what appeared to be hundreds of vehicles circling the 'bowl' to cheer the Rebels to victory; we hear the honking of horns to notify the community of a touchdown and a victory; and the early-morning and after-school whistles remind us of the dedication of the players and coaches."

Hebron says the football program continues to grow in the community with new participants of all ages, and from surrounding communities signing up along with girls now taking up the sport. Kerrobert Composite School has had former players see success in sport following high school, which helps increase game attendance because of the attraction and community pride. Benefits are clearly beyond just a football game itself.

The Kerrobert Recreation Department says they will always support initiatives to keep the community active and connected. They will support this project and committee through advertising and assistance with the project.

You can follow the updates on the project on the Kerrobert Football Association Facebook page.


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