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Unity's mayor reflects on past year

Mayor Sharon Del Frari looks back at 2021

“When a person really takes the time to look back on the previous year, you realize how much was accomplished in our community,” says Mayor Sharon Del Frari of Unity.

Reflecting on the past year Unity’s mayor says that the first part of 2021 residents were getting signed up for the new water meter program. While there were some COVID-19 concerns, residents were assured and experienced installers taking all necessary precautions.

The Parks and Rec. department began the new roofing project at the community centre and with the start of that project came the revelation that there were more than just a few bats in this building. The bat colony in the attic were deemed the protected species of big brown bats. The contractor tasked with removing them contacted the Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation group who housed the bats until they could be returned to safe bat houses set up in the community later in spring of 2021. This bat colony was deemed the largest colony inside a structure.

Through this process, Unity gained some media attention but also an education on these bats and the impact they have on our environment. Community members stepped up and built bat houses for their return. Some residents believed the bats originated in the old public school which was demolished in the 60’s. A couple dozen people came out to watch the bats be returned to their new homes and the town is happy to announce that they have not found their way back into their Sheraton like surroundings at the arena.

Through mostly volunteer labor, the curling club also added new dressing rooms in this portion of the community centre.

In May, the town initiated their first ‘adopt-a-block” program. Due to COVID-19, UCHS wouldn’t be able to undertake their community clean up so residents took up the challenge, which was greatly appreciated.

The major budget item for 2021 was the Unity Community Centre upgrade. Miners Construction out of Saskatoon were awarded the contract through tender process. While there are still some lingering minor items for them to address, the arena looks fabulous and it is hoped that through this extensive upgrade the centre has had an added 30-40 years in its life span.

Unity’s town office saw some changes and are still working to fill one vacancy. Terry Smith stepped in as the new Emergency Measures Officer. Long time Unity Fire Chief, Leroy Timmermans, retired with Deputy Chief, Dwaine Kopp, stepping up to fill this role.

Unity celebrated the graduating class of 2021 with another safe graduation parade throughout town, and it was well received by all who got to take part in it.

“Council and Staff joined in discussion and work on the Paw Park access and the North pathways. We also drafted a new agreement with the Paw Park,” says Unity’s mayor.

The mayor continues on saying, “We are involved with the Unity & District Chamber of Commerce seeking initiatives to positively impact our Business environment. We received official notice Unity was approved for an Infrastructure Grant from the Federal and Provincial Governments. The project applied for was 1st Ave West upgrade. We will add storm sewer, upgrade the water and sewer lines, and repave, add new curbs and sidewalks. This will be our budget project over at least the next two years.”

Summer storms that rolled through added to the work of town crews but in usual Unity fashion, residents stepped up to help with the clean up.

With the resignation of Councillor Bonogofski, Unity town council welcomed new councillor, Christ Halter. Unity welcomed two new doctors in town, Dr. Esebameh and Dr. Matta.

Council did Strategic Planning, with focus after the 1st Ave West upgrade, being a major upgrade to our water service. Some of the pipes have not been replaced for 40 plus years. October 20th,, council held a public meeting with the residents and business owners affected by the 1st Ave West Infrastructure project, to go over the financials of the project with them.

Unity Legion Branch #90 had a Remembrance Day Service and Parade which was extremely well attended.

“In mid November we finalized the plans for the Highway 21 re-route in partnership with the North West Terminal, the Rural Municipality of Round Valley and of course the Saskatchewan Department of Highways. Unfortunately, these plans blind sided our Museum. We will work with the Unity & District Museum to make the transformation as painless as possible,” says Mayor Del Frari

A volunteer group stepped up to organize this years Winter Wonderland. The weather was bitterly cold compared to last year BUT the evening was a smashing success. Residents could enjoy free hot chocolate, apple cider, craft making, and gorgeous window displays. Many businesses stayed open late and had special activities for customers.

Unity welcomed two new businesses in the latter part of the year, Hometown Designs Ltd. And Ma and Me Bakery.

“Covid is still working its way through the country. We’ll keep doing our part to stop the spread. Now with the vaccine, people aren’t getting as ill, and we will get through this coming year despite Covid. I’m truly looking forward to working with everyone in the coming year. Thanks for contributing to our community, “



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