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Letter: Pierre Poilievre wants to defund CBC? Really!

Why not defund oil and gas subsidies?
CBC radio is commercial-free for reasons that Poilievre and much of his following understand but don't like because it removes the ability of corporate advertisers and advertising dollars to control what is broadcast.

Dear Editor

I disagree with Poilievre's push to defund the CBC for many reasons, not the least of which is that I like to watch and listen to relatively balanced objective reporting on current events and issues. I think it is unfortunate when we see a politician, a party leader no less, who would like to replace the intellectual stimulation offered, especially on CBC radio and internet offerings, with the more subjective one-sided views of his preferred silo. I say silo because when you limit yourself to the reporting and coverage of one worldview, whether left or right on the political spectrum, you are disqualifying yourself from being a representative of the “common” good.

CBC radio is commercial-free for reasons that Poilievre and much of his following understand but don't like because it removes the ability of corporate advertisers and advertising dollars to control what is broadcast. I place a lot of value in the ability to get differing political perspectives so I can make an informed decision, that makes common sense to “me,” without having to sift through the ever-growing mass of mis/disinformation that is so prevalent on some of the commercial stations and outlets that have been well funded but provide, in some cases, less than balanced content.

If Poilievre is so cost-conscious, why haven't the Conservatives proposed cutting the several billion that is subsidizing the enormous profits of the oil and gas industry?

If Poilievre is concerned about deficit budgets, why hasn't the Conservative party introduced a bill to reform the tax laws so corporations and the ultra-rich pay progressively higher taxes to adequately participate in the funding of the fundamental social needs of society?

There is an almost endless list of things that Poilievre and his band of obstructionists could be doing to improve the lives of Canadians, but instead, they are more content to do nothing but complain, block and promote discontent on subjects they would have no intention of addressing if in power.

If Pierre Poilievre truly wants to become the steward of our society, why are he and the Conservative Party all but denying that climate change is human-caused and that the world, including Canada, has a responsibility to educate, regulate and act on the existential threat that puts the future of mankind at risk?

If Poilievre wants to reduce the crime rate, why not submit a bill to study and implement universal basic income, or reform our electoral system to a proportional representation model as designed by a citizens’ assembly?

The questions are numerous, however, Pierre Poilievre refuses requests for interviews from most mainstream media. Is that a leader who believes in transparency or democracy? Unfortunately, Pierre is a great complainer, but when it comes to real solutions, well, he just doesn't seem to have any.

Erik Hansen


Editors note:  The author is a former Federal candidate for the NDP.


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