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Assiniboia council hears report on landfill, funding application

There is issues with the size of the landfill and continued use without some major upgrades being done.
assiniboia town office
Town of Assiniboia council gathered for a meeting on September 13.

ASSINIBOIA - Town of Assiniboia council gathered for a meeting on September 13.

In attendance was Mayor Sharon Schauenberg, Councillors: Bob Ellert, Kent Fettes, Patrick Grondin, Graham Harvey, Peter Kordus and Renee Clermont; CAO - Clint Mauthe and finance/admin coordinator Tina Dijkstra.

Public acknowledgements was given to Tom Stantley, Chantel Hannah and Assiniboia Times.

The agenda was adopted and accepted. Moved by Ellert/Fettes Minutes of last council meeting August 23, accepted and approved as read. Moved by Kordus/Fettes

Minutes from finance and admin meeting May 31; the minutes of Recreation and Community Wellness July 27, the minutes of POW July 14 and August 24 were all accepted and adopted as read. Moved by Grondin/Clermont.

A public delegation by Tristan Wyatt Engineering regarding landfill report and funding application attended the meeting. Mr. Wyatt presented his report on the current status of the landfill for Assiniboia and raised some concerns for the future on going use of this facility. There is issues with the size and continued use without some major upgrades being done. 

Councilors raised many questions and good discussion was had. Government funding grant is available to help with whatever route is decided on without obligation to carry through if other alternatives can be found. Council approved the application be made at this time. Moved by Ellert/Fettes.

Correspondance was received from: Shurniak Invitation -  to attend the Mad Hatter Tea party; and a SUMA Media Advisory regarding lobbying the government on RCMP wages. Correspondance was accepted as presented. Moved by Fettes/ Clermont.

CAO report given by Clint Mauthe. Town work still very busy trying to finish up summer projects and move into fall preparation. Advised the water lines will start to be blown around town, (swimming pool and golf course). 

A new manager has been hired for the Golf Course, Jill Lesperance and will start 2023 replacing Harvey Hysiuk. The tender for redoing Centre Street will be out before July 1 for 2023.  Report accepted.

List of paid accounts accepted as presented. Moved by Fettes/Kordus.

Request for Decisions

Procedure Bylaw:  amending Council meetings to begin at 6:30 pm.  Moved by Ellert/ Fettes.

Fees and Charges Bylaw: fees for the Southland Co-op Centre. Moved by  Ellert/Grondin, Harvey/
Clermont, Kordus/Fettes.

Standing Committee: Councillors appointed to different boards in town. Moved by Fettes/ Grondin.

Building Official: Josh Nitz was appointed. Moved by Kordus/Grondin.

Temporary Road Closure request received from the Apostolic Church: October 29 for a five hour period for an event they are hosting. Request moved by Fettes/ Clermont.

Roll Uncollectibles to taxes: Receivables will be added to taxes. Moved by Harvey/Kordus.

Southland Co-op Centre caretaker contract: Scott Meshka appointed as new caretaker. Moved by Ellert/Fettes. Southland Co-op Centre Board: members appointed from all aspects on advisory level. Moved by Grondin/Ellert.

Southland Co-op Centre Financial Operation: approved deficit. All finances will be conducted by Town of Assiniboia. Moved by  Grondin/ Fettes.

Truth and Reconciliation Stat Holiday: Will be observed in Assiniboia Friday, Sept 30. Moved by Clermont/Fettes.

Reports given by each Councillor re meetings and functions attended since the last meeting.

Mayor Sharon Schauenberg reports still working with SHA regarding closures and slow downs at AUH. Two new doctors coming to Assiniboia in early October. One new RN and one LPN has been hired for here.

Hutch Ambulance contract is up for work in the hospital end of September. It is hoped that will be extended.  SHA reports a new program for doctor retention in Saskatchewan. 

Meeting adjourned.

Another meeting for Town Council was held on September 27.

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