ASSINIBOIA - The 31st Mistletoe Art and Craft Sale was a successful event for the Assiniboia and District Arts Council. It was held at the Prince of Wales Centre on November 4 and 5.
There were 377 people signed in during the two days, despite the wintery conditions. The art and craft sale showcased many products and services offered by the exhibitors. Fresh Start and their staff hosted the concession. There was even a special visit from Santa, who took time out of his busy toy-making schedule, to visit children.
The best overall display award was presented to Randy Lawson, Barn Birth Framing, from Bracken.
The Mistletoe raffle basket was won by Cindy Volsky, Assiniboia. Door prizes were won by Darla Peterson, Assiniboia (adult) and Addison McCann, Assiniboia (child).
Mistletoe Art and Craft proceeds support arts-related projects in schools and the community.