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Busy year for mayor, town council and management team

It has been just over a year now as a new Council for Assiniboia have stepped into their roles and they have been on a huge learning curve
Chamber Luncheon2
Mayor Sharon Schauenberg was the keynote speaker at the Chamber luncheon.
ASSINIBOIA - Well what a year it has been!  It is hard to believe that 2021 is almost over and it remains to be unseen of what 2022 will bring.

As for myself, your Town Council, our management team and all our staff at the Town of Assiniboia, it has been quite a busy year.  It has been just over a year now as your new Council have stepped into their roles and we all have been on a huge learning curve, all trying, with one goal in mind to make our town better.

We have seen some new changes to our management team at our office as we hired a new CAO, Clint Mauthe, in April to assist us to achieve our goals.  We are happy to report that Clint has settled very well into his position and he continues to help council in any way he can.  Our office has recently had some restructuring and with Clint at the helm we know that our goal to have a positive and productive working environment will be achieved. 

Our council has been busy with their committees as well as the almost 30 different community groups we are involved with.  The seven of us have attended many meetings forming new relationships as well as strengthening and enhancing current relationships, as we know working together we are better. 

We are very hands on, progressive and an engaged Council that strives to lend a hand to get the job done.

We have established a stronger relationship with local law enforcement keeping the communication open at all times.

Preparations are in order in our Finance Department as we head into 2022 with our budget.  Kerri Martin is now our new Director of Corporate Services and brings much experience to the role.  Kerri has also been successful working with the Executive Assistant at the Chamber of Commerce forming a good working relationship to bridge our Town and the business community.

 She has in the past and still continues to be involved with our Planning and Development department.  She was successful in the creation of our new mural on Centre Street, working with Willow Bunch Artist Stephanie Bellefleur.

We also  purchased new Christmas lights for our light standards on Centre Street, our new led lights are sure to brighten our streets for years to come. Most recently, she coordinated alongside 15 Wing Moose Jaw and all local emergency services for a training exercise at the Assiniboia Airport.

A Main Street Revitalization Grant was approved for exterior improvements at the New Texas Café building. Assisting Kerri with Planning and Development is our new hire, Tina, who brings much experience and positivity to our office. We have seen some new businesses open in town and continue to be amazed to see the  business sector thrive and grow, and how so many folks have chosen to shop local.

Our Public Works Department has been very busy this year, and with Nic Zuck in charge we have been able to accomplish many projects.  We were able to pave  3rd Street West in its entirety,  which was part of a strategic plan from a few years ago.  We also paved some other various locations in town. 

We were able to replace 100’s of metres of sidewalk this year as well.  One of our first tasks of Council was to clean up the former Rubber Recycling Tire Plant. With the assistance of the Tire Stewardship of Saskatchewan, our Public Works Dept. and several other local contractors  the building  was cleaned up.  The building is now being leased to the Department of Highways while their new facility is being constructed.

We have also completed our safety manual to encompass all town operations.  From trimming trees to repairing valves,  some 55 feet underground,  and multiple fixing at the golf course, this has kept our Public Works Department busy.  You may have noticed our new street sweeper this year and will notice our new snowblower that has been acquired as we try to keep our streets cleaned for our many residents and visitors.

Recreation is yet another huge department where our community spirit is alive and strong with our gal Stephanie VanDeSype at the top.  From the many programs she created this year, the Twinkle Tour, The Lights of Love, Scavenger Hunt, The Sunday Funday, Canada Day Fireworks, the climbing walls at the Aquatic Centre, ball diamond upgrades, movies in the park, community Halloween Carnival, healthy heart initiatives, Walks for Wellness, and of course our Better Together Tuesday programs, I have to think, is there anything this gal can’t do?

I can not be more proud and it is such a privilege to be part of such a great organization that works together, to accomplish so much!

So what is in store for 2022? I am very hopeful and positive for our year ahead and what it will bring.

We begin the year hosting one of the biggest events in our province with the Viterra Scotties Provincial Women’s Curling Championship, where many curlers and fans will come from far and wide to take in.   In August when the dream of our Assiniboia Civic Improvement Association is realized, our new Southland Co-op Arena is set to open, a 10 year 15.7 million dollar project will come to life. We are all so excited!

Your Council and management team will continue to work to enhance and better our community as we are truly “Better Together” and continue to be “The Heart of the Golden South”.

On behalf of myself, Town Council, our management team and all our staff at the Town of Assiniboia, we wish everyone a wonderful holiday season.

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