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Editorial: Finally, the spring fun can begin

An opinion piece on a tricky spring the area has been witnessing this year.
Spring Has Sprung

For the second straight year, we've had a late start to spring, but we're glad that the season is finally here.

From a warm weather perspective, March was a write-off this year, with only a couple of days that (barely) exceeded the freezing mark. We had almost as many blizzards that month as days above 0 C.

The start of April wasn't much better. We had that winter storm that blew through the area in mid-April and brought inches of wet, heavy snow to our community. If the farmers needed the moisture, we would have warmly welcomed the snow. But most producers in this region would likely tell you they already had enough snow this past winter. So for them, the snow was an inconvenience.

April wasn't exactly setting any temperature records before the snow hit, either.

But the temperatures have warmed up in the past week, and it finally feels like spring is here. With that, the fun of the spring season is now underway.

A lot of people will tell you spring is their favourite season of the year. The days are getting longer, the temperatures are warming up, the snow is gone, and we aren't enduring the stifling summer heat as of yet.

Evenings are warmer, but they aren't excessively hot.

There's that excitement about the activities that will be coming in the next few months. By the time July and August arrive, it can feel like the doldrums of a season.

Here in the Estevan area, golf courses have started to open up. People will soon be moving their RVs to local campgrounds for the spring and summer months. Fishing season starts on May 5. The Estevan Motor Speedway is scheduled to begin its 2023 season on May 6.

Now that the snow is gone and the temperatures have heated up, Estevan residents can look forward to walking, jogging and cycling on the pathways that circulate the community. This has been a wonderful addition for our city since 2021, and we hope people will continue to take advantage of them, even though the hectic pace of life has returned now that the pandemic restrictions have been over for the past year.

Sports seasons for both adults and youths are back or about to get underway. Over the next couple of months, you can look forward to seeing lots of activity at local baseball and softball diamonds, as well as soccer pitches.

Other spring sports, like lacrosse, are also getting ready for the season to begin.

The more we have kids out and exercising, the better off society is. And it's great to see adults out getting good exercise, too.

We're going to have some great events to enjoy over the next two months. You'll get the annual assortment of fundraisers, and you'll get the traditional activities that mark the end of the school year.

And you'll also have big community events, like the Estevan Exhibition Association's second annual Energy City Ex., and the Estevan Comprehensive School's Grade 12 graduation ceremony.

At the end of the day, you can stretch out and relax on a patio, whether it be the deck of your favourite restaurant or at your own home.

For those who live outside of Estevan, there will be plenty of activities as well. We have lots of attractions in Estevan, but you can find lots to do in the small towns and villages that dot the maps of the southeast. Campgrounds, parks, outdoor swimming pools, school functions, golf courses, sports and so much more ensure plenty of activities in the spring months. 

Summer is great, too. It's lots of fun, especially for the kids who get to enjoy two months away from school.

But there's just something special about spring. And so do what you can to enjoy the next couple of months.

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